B. The dominant role of civil law in the private law
Civil law dominates the private law. This predominance is explained by the extent of his domain. It covers all the individuals and all the activities. Civil law was the law of life, the right money, the right of the flesh. Civil law was the law of the passions in both senses of the term (craze and suffering).
Civil law is dominated by its coherence. Although it is undergoing many reforms, it retains its intellectual and material unit since civil law is codified in a civil code. Hence explains the predominance of civil law which makes the law. We perceive that the other branches of private law are exceptional. It will be a fragmented specific regulations, absences are filled by the rules of civil law.
The specificity of the branch in question has not seen fit to any rule of civil believed. And employment law when you want to obtain the annulment of the contract, the rules of the civil code is applied, including the vices of consent theory.
As the civil law is the common law, it influences other branches of law. The theory of abuse of rights arose about the ownership that has spread in commercial law with the abuse of majority or minority in commercial companies.
This theory has also extended labor law with the concept of abuse of the right to strike. But as influence is sometimes mutual. One can observe that contract law has benefited from loans made to specific rules in the employment contract or today consumer law or competition.
Civil law dominates the private law. This predominance is explained by the extent of his domain. It covers all the individuals and all the activities. Civil law was the law of life, the right money, the right of the flesh. Civil law was the law of the passions in both senses of the term (craze and suffering).
Civil law is dominated by its coherence. Although it is undergoing many reforms, it retains its intellectual and material unit since civil law is codified in a civil code. Hence explains the predominance of civil law which makes the law. We perceive that the other branches of private law are exceptional. It will be a fragmented specific regulations, absences are filled by the rules of civil law.
The specificity of the branch in question has not seen fit to any rule of civil believed. And employment law when you want to obtain the annulment of the contract, the rules of the civil code is applied, including the vices of consent theory.
As the civil law is the common law, it influences other branches of law. The theory of abuse of rights arose about the ownership that has spread in commercial law with the abuse of majority or minority in commercial companies.
This theory has also extended labor law with the concept of abuse of the right to strike. But as influence is sometimes mutual. One can observe that contract law has benefited from loans made to specific rules in the employment contract or today consumer law or competition.