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Facebook account is no longer required for Messenger users in 4 countries

Facebook account is no longer required for Messenger users in 4 countries, including the United States. Aware that the email is one of the (few) things that are more popular than its social network, Facebook has decided there is now a good time to remove the private messaging functionality of its main app and make it mandatory for those Messenger who want to exchange messages on their smartphones.

As we have seen, since, Messenger has become a full service. During the F8 conference, Facebook has also unveiled a lot of news about this app (Valentin explained how Messenger is about to become a platform).

And now Facebook wants to allow mobile users to use Messenger, even without Facebook account.

In essence, if you hate Facebook but want to use Messenger to communicate with friends, it will be possible.

The only concern is that this possibility is (yet) available in the United States, Canada, Peru and Venezuela.

When the user launches Messenger for the first time, it is proposed it to connect via Facebook or so without Facebook account.

In the latter case, it asks for a name, a photo and a phone number (a system to WhatsApp). He can then enjoy the features of Messenger, the audio and video calls or file sharing.

However, since the Messenger account will not be linked to a Facebook account, it may not be necessarily very easy to find a contact with the app.