The training program:
1 / Mastering the regulatory framework for consolidation
The regulatory environment for consolidated accounts.
The main differences between French GAAP and IFRS.
2 / Determine the scope of consolidation
The different types of control: exclusive, spouses and significant influence.
IFRS approach control.
Exclusions from the scope.
3 / consolidation methods
Methodology of global integration.
Methodology of the equity.
Methodology of proportional consolidation.
4 / Organizing consolidation
The mode of organization: centralized or decentralized process.
The process steps.
The method flows or cumulative.
5 / Make the restatement entries
Required restatements.
The preferred methods.
Other options.
6 / Eliminate the effect of inter-company transactions
Transactions without impact on consolidated results.
The operations with impact on the consolidated result:
dividends; provisions; inventory margins; Capital gains on disposals.
7 / Recognize deferred taxes
Identify the bases of deferred taxes.
Perform the calculation and monitoring.
Carry proof of tax.