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Three reports a purchaser may look for assurance before buying a house

Who wants to take risks unknowingly? Will a purchaser take risk without a report? The purchaser might pay for the following reports before buying a house:

Surveyor’s report – a chartered surveyor will inspect the fabric of the property and give assurance that the walls and roof are soundly constructed. The surveyor will also give an estimated value for the property that a bank or building society will use as assurance that any loan they advance will be properly secured

Electrician’s report – an electrician can can assure whether the wiring in the property is safe and complies with relevant building regulations

Roofer’s report – if the roof looks unsound, or the surveyor raises queries on its quality, a roofer can report on how much it would cost to mend or replace the roof. This cost can be incorporated into the discussions on purchase price between the seller and the purchaser of the property