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What is Performance Audit?

A performance audit is an objective and systematic examination of evidence for the purpose of providing an independent assessment of the performance of a government organization, program, activity, or function in order to provide information to improve public accountability and facilitate decision-making by parties with responsibility to oversee or initiate corrective action 

Performance audits include economy and efficiency and program audits:

a. Economy and efficiency audits include determining :
   (1) whether the entity is acquiring, protecting, and using its resources (such as personnel, property, and space) economically and efficiently,
   (2) the causes of inefficiencies or uneconomical practices, and
   (3) whether the entity has complied with laws and regulations on matters of economy and efficiency.

b. Program audits include determining:
   (1) the extent to which the desired results or benefits established by the legislature or other authorizing body are being achieved,
   (2) the effectiveness of organizations, programs, activities, or functions, and
   (3) whether the entity has complied with significant laws and regulations applicable to the program.