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What are the techniques adopted by the Auditors?

For collection and accumulation of audit evidence, certain methods and means are available and these are known as audit techniques. Some of the techniques commonly adopted by the auditors are the following :

1. Posting checking

2. Casting checking

3. Physical examination and count

4. Confirmation

5. Inquiry

6. Year-end scrutiny

7. Re-computation

8. Tracing in subsequent period

9. Bank Reconciliation

The two terms, procedure and techniques, are often used interchangeably; in fact, however, a distinction does exist. Procedure may comprise a number of techniques and represents the broad frame of the manner of handling the audit work; techniques stand for the methods employed for carrying out the procedure. For example, procedure requires an examination of the documentary evidence. This job is performed by the procedure known as vouching which would involve techniques of inspection and checking computation of documentary evidence. As per SA-500 on Audit Evidence, basically audit procedures are broadly of two types viz. compliance procedures and tests of detail. Test of details are further comprised of substantive audit procedures and analytical review procedures. Vouching is a substantive audit procedure which involves audit techniques like casting, cross-casting, checking of posting, etc. On the other hand, verification of assets and liabilities is a substantive audit procedure which involves application of audit techniques like physical examination, confirmation from third parties, etc.